

the cuts
the pain becomes too much

so you try to numb all that pain till you feel nothing at all

in doing so you take that blade and you put it on your skin that pain

and press hard and cut on repeat till you don't feel

as the blood streams down your skin

you don't care

till later you do

and it happens over and over

and over

and over


and then you use that as a coping skill instead of a better and healthier one

you want to get better

you truly do

but at the same time you don't want to feel you are scared of what will happen

so you suffer in silence

you act as if everything is great


those cuts say otherwise

the blood stand into your clothes

the blood on you skin

your cries

they all say otherwise

the cuts that are always there

the cuts that scar

the gilt and flash back that are trigger almost every time

the subject is brought up and the the urges

the all makes the cuts harder to get rid of

© anonymous_anonymously