

Down the Memory Lane
As I stroll down the Memory Lane,
I perceive those moments of joy,
The everlasting happiness
And the delightful smile
Captured in this souvenir

Caught in this nostalgic wave of emotions, and
swaying to the rhythm of the melodious theme
How i wish to travel back to the beauty of this past

An unfinished story now unfolds,
Where happiness was in unwrapping presents on our birthdays,
Where Sharing tiffins was with no regrets,
Where the fright of ants were the only fear
Where a cotton candy gave utmost satisfaction
Where grandma's story was the only desire
Where giving up a teddy bear was the only sacrifice.
Where doing homework was the ultimate goal
Where sorrows and pain were just a word,
Where goodbyes meant only until tomorrow.

I wonder how far have we gone
Away from this memory
A memory to be cherished
A memory to adore
A memory to relive this childhood again

Have we lost our ways
In this journey called life?
No, I guess not
We are just lost in this game of hide and seek.
Just needed to be found out again

//For childhood is not just a memory but an emotion //

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#writco #Love #memories