

**A Twisted Road**
A twisted road,
A rebellious journey,
A challenging code,
Towards life's tourney.

On a twisted road, we boldly tread,
A rebellious journey, we embrace with glee,
Challenging code, we strive to shred.

Through life's tourney, we forge ahead,
Facing obstacles with courage and key,
On a twisted road, we boldly tread.

With determination, we push ahead,
Defying norms and breaking free,
Challenging code, we strive to shred.

Though the path may be rough and dread,
We smile and laugh, for we are carefree,
On a twisted road, we boldly tread.

In the face of doubt, we lift our head,
Believing in ourselves, we will be,
Challenging code, we strive to shred.

So let us dance and sing instead,
For life's journey is a jubilee,
On a twisted road, we boldly tread,
Challenging code, we strive to shred.

Written By,
Ivan Edwin
Pen Name - Maximus.
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