

Curious Thought
Where does time go? When you
think about ever lasting your
stay. Why do you think of
sorrow? When you know
that tomorrow is going to
be better than today. Why
does man struggle but yet
are transfix on the idea of
others? It would appear that
though that all the sunters
that I've done is nothing
more than a inpentetants
that can never be spoken
for. And where does it say
that all things half to be
equal in line of work of pay?
Why ask these infortical
questions for I am just as
curious just as you are
curious of my own words.
Why does the grass grow
when the rain that seems to
stain it like so, and tho it
can soak the blades of grass
to make it grow? Into a
beautiful green. But why
does it half to be so hard
to figure if it was easy to
find out that mans work is
hard labor for I do not
know? Why have we all
forgotten that where it
all goes? It is true though
for what I tell you. For I'll
keep finding out the mystery
of life while staying alive
for I am no ordinary poet
that is true. And so that's
why I'm just as curious as
-- you?
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