

If religion is a man,
he would be puritan,
but religion is no man.

No religion is man,
For that it only provides sentinel to man,
and prevents him from straying.

Out of man's centeredness he fights it off,
decries being caged by it,
and always seeks to stray.

Religion sedates the beast in man,
while others use it to unleash this beast,
so don't blame religion.

Because man has a choice,
and some men chose to be beast,
and religion shouldn't be blamed for their crime.

Religion isn't a man,
but it always sets man right,
except deviants.

African man is so holier-than-thou
and to him anyone who fails to measure up,
is an infidelity.

He builds mighty edifices
and gathers in congregation to worship,
but fails to shelter his brethren.

He chooses to be beast in the name of religion,
devoids his fellow brother,
and even religion itself is shocked by this act.