

I'll take you from heaven and show you heavens.
I might be conceited to think I can do that
But you are heaven,
You create heaven.
Heaven is you.
Wherever you are, there heaven is.

Sweetie, can I call your name? Your name is heaven.
Laying my eyes on you, I knew that was right.
When you got close, my hell became yours
And you made it heaven.
I want to give you something.
You seem to have all.
I wonder, does heaven have wishes?
I can fulfill them.

Darling, you're dear to me as heaven is lost to many.
Many days I drifted through oceans of chaos,
Yet, you raise a hand and all stills.
You took me - yours and more.
"I need you," your first words.
Heaven said that, I wondered.
All I could think of was you were and are perfect.
What more do you need of me.
Then you touched me.
I became light.
You made me light.
"Let there be light" you said and I saw as heaven gained light.

Heaven, do you know I watched ends upon ends of death.
I wanted life to be a dream I drifted through.
The fires in me - of every verve flickered, died and I burned in the agony of the loss.
Yet, you coming in, with eyes of yearning - I never knew heaven could yearn.
You yearned for me and I knew you were all I've longed for.
You accepted me but I melted into you.

We're one.
You're my heaven.
You made me your light.
I'm your light.
I'll take you to heavens trapped in the dark.
So, kiss me as the world is made perfect in
Symphonies of celestial exuberance.

© melodiousphoenix