

undesired fate/ separation of lovers/ lovers cry
let's us fight our terrible fate , for us to be together,
we can love each other till the moon speaks to the fig tree,
No one can separate people that have decided to stick together,
Fate keeps bringing storms to break us apart, but we awalys find each other after every storm,
our fate is not written in the stars, so what if our fate isn't written,
loving you is my nature and i have only grown to know and write about u,
no matter how much fate poisons our love, the only antidote I know is to find you.
fate finally brought us death, I proudly smiled on its face because nothing can be more satisfying than dying in each other's arms,
if this world can't allow us to be together then let's be together in death,
No pain equals the pain of staying away from you.

© Mkay