

Homie Back Thoughts

You sat with me under the shade of the trees,
Reading out the words that made no sense,
Not once did you lose faith,
Or let me be,
The slow and steady learner,
The butt of all the jokes,
Duffer! Failure! And more...
We watched Butterflies and Bees around the flowers,
You plucked those mangoes for me,
Each time when I used to ask,
During summer or winter vacations, where always we used to meet,
Never realized how soon childhood has gone,
As we are now graduates, and busy in our fields,
Neither u , nor I can get those times back,
Those were the beautiful things that
The new generation lacks,
As these Words are less to express,
And my Feelings are more intense,
I am Bringing up the memory back,
Collecting all the balance memories i hold in the sack,
No rain calls,
No phone calls
just a memories shall remain,
how childhood went in a fast chain

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