

You Called Me Queen
You say you love me
Called me 'Queen'
From the edge of desire
You made me scream
Know you, my essence
The yearning lust
Touched, you, my heart
Bastioned, in trust
A beast to me
Never, will you be
Though from deep within
Rests a zealous beastie
From the tumescent ingress
I heard you scream
Deep from those hale fires
You bellowed, 'Queen'
Sensuality exudes
From our every pore
Thunders and boils
From our frenzied core
Take me again
To your pyre of love
Where I may soar
Just as you dreamed of
Revel, King,
In your just conquest
Allow your head
Upon my breasts, to rest
Know of this, as a
Love forseen
Where for all to know,
You proclaimed me 'Queen'

Sharon Cunningham
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