

Fallen Angel
Okay people here's your look, a fallen Angel joins the book.

This Angel fell by choice, it simply defied God's voice.

This fallen Angel is here just for you, I say "hello Angel"it says "hey boo".

Notice the wings, they are dark, overtime Divine color parts.

No Halo no light, above it blackness and blight.

The sentence administered from above, lose power, no love.

To keep its powers it stays on the ground, that's what it means to be cast down.

Don't get me wrong for now it can fly, but its energy declines when it enters the sky.

If it flies too long it's power goes flat, it's fallen, it should walk, that's just a fact.

That's why the dark ones they like to possess, they can travel through others it's less mess.

They can only possess those that walk, but they are addicted to flying, it's power sought.

"Do you have questions"?
She said"No".
"Okay fallen Angel you are free to go".

© S.R.King. #Love&love #philosophy