

(it's a message I wanted to give everyone who hurted me and also to my parents)
She is not bad,she is hurt
she deserves love but she's hated
she's depressed,not mentally ill
Her heart is still childish,it doesn't mean she's overacting,
If she smiles at a boy,it doesn't mean she loves him
if she yells at a girl,it doesn't mean she hates her
She is a girl, don't try to give her your imaginary personality
you don't know her story, don't judge her
She will never hurt you,if you will treat her in a nice way
she loves everyone but she hates to talk too much,
she's cute and kind,try to understand her
It's her nature not her ego
having male friends doesn't mean she's a bad girl,
she is suffering and you see only her laughing
she wants freedom doesn't mean she wants to do bad things,
she knows her limits don't ask her to change,
she's stressed doesn't mean it's a heartbreak,
she has a soft heart that can break easily,
she is a diamond of great value
she's like a glass handle her with care,
she's not too hard to understand,
she's just little girl with big dreams,
she always laughs doesn't mean she's happy,
Her pillow knows the weight of her tears,
she wants to look good doesn't mean she likes someone,
She's like a bird in the cage,
she wants to live in her own way,
she's tired not lazy,
she sleeps too much just because
you made her to overthink ...

© Aru