

A touch of Love
There he stands before her, watching the gaze upon her face as she stares at his look in bewilderment. For she swims in the deepest ocean to treasure what he conceals.
Something fierce, striking, yet gentle to the soul. Almost. Just almost perfect.

"You ever loved somebody so much it hurts when they hurt?". She questioned him, strong with her emotion. And his look became unquestionable. " When I love, there is no room for hurt, he said believingly. I perceive love as a feeling and I live it everyday. I stopped perceiving it as an emotion, because I didn't feel it all the time." Though, as he stood between the bitterness and the sweetness that separated them, he felt her demarcation of his love without any doubt.

Those eyes tells her stories of the unspoken. Secrets and treasures, habits and faults, inspiration and weakness. He wants to reassure her that love is all around her. That she is it.
Things she always wanted to know. Things he brought her to understand and, while he knows all of this. He stays grounded. Amidst the roughness and the busy realm they both live in. They're like the candle and the moth, his wit teases her wit. Challenging her to a better love. A better person. Perfection through his lenses. Challenging her to be her complete self. For him. Only for him. She wants to tell him that he means Everlasting.

So, he stands before her, watching the gaze upon her face as she stares at his look in bewilderment. For she swims in the deepest ocean to treasure what he conceals. Something divine. Sharp but gentle to the soul. Perfect. More perfect than she could ever have imagined.