


In the depths of her mind, a world of emotions reside
A labyrinth of thoughts, where feelings abide
A delicate balance, of strength and vulnerability
A dance between logic, and intuition's sensitivity

Her heart is a canvas, painted with colors of love
A masterpiece of emotions, sent from above
A kaleidoscope of moods, shifting with every turn
A symphony of feelings, that yearn to learn

She wears a mask of courage, to hide her inner fears
A shield of resilience, to weather life's tears
But beneath the surface, a ocean of emotions swirl
A whirlpool of thoughts, that only she can unfurl

Her mind is a mystery, a puzzle to unravel
A complexity of emotions, that only she can travel
A journey of self-discovery, through twists and turns
A path of growth and healing, where love and wisdom learn.

© Gifted hands