

Dwindling Rose
I know a girl that is so sweet. She cares for everybody. No matter how many differences there are or how many times they have faulted her. And every time someone asks if she is okay, she says she is fine. She says she is okay. And says all this with a big smile on her face. But you know what people don't realise? They don't realize that the smile she has on her face everyday is worn. It is tired and weak. It needs a vacation. But she won't let that happen. Because she is too stubborn. She wants to make everybody feel good. But she doesn't realize the repercussions it has on her. Because she cares for everybody else, and at one point she forgot to care for herself. At one point she became numb to people letting her down and backstabbing her. She became numb to people failing her and making her feel like that one speck of dust that everybody hates but nobody can get rid of. She is kind and gentle on the outside, but on the inside she is cold and distant. And while everybody else is living their lives that are free and happy. She is dwindling down like a rose in autumn. She is falling into a blackmore of depression and anxiety. She is sore and overwhelmed from years of giving, and not once was she given to. Not once was she given enough attention for people to realize that she is slowly dying on the inside. Not once did people decide to out in the effort to get past her practiced facade and look at who she really was. And because of this, she slipped deep enough into a sad oblivion that not even the people with the longest arms could reach her. it was up to her and God to figure this out now.
© @darkasknight