

Certainty stands the test of time
Peace keeping deal to this treaty
Anarchy will be overturned this time
As the set of a new dawn in rulings

A letter to a working business dealer
A reminder to walk up the pace
To my boss, my working tool
To my boss, admiring audience

A comment ever wanted
An appraisal not a prank
Just to know I'm accepted
And to see I'm welcome.

How dumb you found me?
What a ridiculous moment to know
You really wanted a business deal
All with terms and conditions

How I've tried, you took me with contempt
Well,I've been through a lot you know
I got a bruise in my heart you know
And another insults hope you know

Relegated to my humble self
Fastened to my belt of hard labor
To let my best goes to you so noticed
Maybe you'll get me a crown of welldone

This you played me off with terms
That you put me on ledge with condition
To let go my ego, a slave of my mind
This make me write you to make me live.

I'll get down to make a fit work
Just my fist get tasks to handle
I wont meddle with an idle talk
Just your crown of welldone I need

Make me a man with cherished ego
A being with mind not a robot on a tool
To feel, touch, sense and forsee solutions
Then, I'll work with dignity on my ethics

written to hug Z- approach in human resources management, a better business deal.
By: Sir Taitophil

© Sir Taitophil