

LOVE FAMILY (Teamwork Poetry)

As far as I can see
I set under a tree
See couples do whee
Flaunt passion thru zero fee
They love like honeybee
Affection real; they be cooee

Then in the other building
Parents look after thy young
Prevent them from dating
Then they meet daily gang
A evening to other evening
In so, the union of ring

Those know each other from start
They do all sort of a mart
Wide smiles; shwa-shwa dart
Problem solve, they are smart
It’s love that come from heart
They are just never part

Partners are not transparent
In the house always violent
Arranged marriage less obedient
The love shared in frequent
Is not opened to efficient
One behave a little different

Child get much affection
They parent; make child ambition
Love marriage is child construction
Easy cope with many situation
Even conflicts not they inauguration
They represent the regeneration

Here it’s a different whole story
Is the child sad territory
The child live in predatory
It pure not a theory
They don’t feel the glory
Filled with gruesome memory

Love marriage is keen
Good home of king ‘n queen
Cool prince-princess preen
Family stable out of ween
Love marriage perfect; skeen
Love at its best pretty green

by A.M.A, H.H.K & N.S.A

@AwaMpr #Teamwork #family #loveMarriage #arrangedMarriage #children