

Become a person who has ability to create own identity,

Having the self thinking process in right way,

Become a man having the power to beutify your character,

And also have the strong desire to walk on the path which goes to helping to self and others,

Having the ability to tell the truth in any situation without any fear and face its effect but if necessary that some false is help others in a good thing having the power to keep it,

Be a brave that feel your emotions , show sympathy to other and having the power to cry for only make strong self and make smile others during their crying time,

Having the power to give opposite perfect answer to wrong people, and the person who try to play with you,

Become a human being who feel others sadness, strong point of self ,help to others and also in case of own duty give his hundred percentage in which if he success he get the position he want and if he not then he get experience to do this work more sincerely

Having the power to express your love and feelings towards others,

But unfortunately now a time come that when these type of person are always rare but if these species are available then always remain in sadness and alone,

These type of person are always the building block of nation and every relationship, try to save them and make self like these, then everything and everyone can butify their life .