

Life till now of mine
On a day of 19 Jan ,
unlike everyone I kept my eyes open,
On 20 Jan my big sis,
She was seven innocent,little,baby
Wanted to go in tour
But I was coming so she didn't .

After some years we changed our house ,
It was a luxurious bungalow ,
Hufff gotta share my room with my biggi sister,
And in 3rd grade we came to another flat .

And after some years ,
We got it-who-must-not-be-named,
I mean COVID-19,
I kinda feel sorry for myself coz its on my birth date,
So we came to our farm house,

My father build up entire his factory ,
and I admit I have some WiFi problem there,
fine you know I m currently in my aunt house ,
Coz farm is renovating in our house,

Writing this poem hoping u like it 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

Don't judge my life is a both mess

-Bunny Boo