


Dry eyed and lost for words to describe it I do my best to try and tell you in the words typed just where you stand in my view.

Nothing but a vast ocean of sand between us so that I can't see exactly where we left off, what did the last words from me leave you feeling?

I wish I knew how to put it all down here so you could understand, because if you understood then so would I .

Fighting the deluge that springs from the soul standing behind a pair of seven year old eyes that didn't recognize the walls around her....

I knew I wasn't home because nothing felt that way.

But somewhere in my head I knew the moment I let out my pain it couldn't stop.

My World, you are not in my view and I have to pretend I don't feel that, I have to be the me of today so that I know you breath,fight and love with all of my heart.

Slowly as they all fall into place I remember the joy, the peace and the desperation to hold onto your hands .

Climbing the horizon to find your glow I know you are safe and so I make peace with this reality and wear it's mask.

© CM

Photo by melissa mayes