

She heard sound of rain along with thunders..
On a lonely path she had to surrender....

She ran under a spooky house
With a clumsy door.....
She was so hurry that ,
She didn't notice that blood on the floor

She heard a voice which said "Come in.."
It was a old man ,so pale and thin...
The old man held a fading lantern,and
The girl entered with no option of return...

The girl saw a old broomstick
Which reminded the her of a witch....
There she she saw a little dolls like monsters,
Little did she knew ,
the house had a dreadful curse...

All frantic fears surrounded her brain..
After seeing the dolls and knowing the old man was insane...
Girl asked him ,"How you live here?under this old shed?"...
With a scary smile he replied,"with blood and death!..."

The answer made the girl freak
She ran out of the house with full speed..
Knowing the old man was still giving a crazy peak...

She Opened her eyes
After sprinting like hell ...
She found herself lying on the same door and with the old man as well.....

© |S.T.K|