

Amid the rustling leaves and skies so wide,
Whispers of nature, a gentle guide.
Be calm and patient, heed the call,
In its stories and whispers, stand tall.

Listen closely to the babbling brook,
Its ancient wisdom, a secret nook.
In each ripple and flowing stream,
Nature's lessons, like a vivid dream.

Mountains lofty, reaching for the stars,
Teach us strength that's ours.
Be patient like the changing tides,
Nature's rhythm, where wisdom abides.

The dance of flowers in the meadow's grace,
A lesson in time, a fleeting embrace.
In their colors and fragrant scent,
Life's beauty, a gift truly meant.

Swaying trees, a melody so grand,
Teach us unity, hand in hand.
With every leaf that softly falls,
A reminder of life's cherished thralls.

Oh, the whispers of nature, soft and true,
Hold the power to heal and renew.
Be still, be present, let your heart unfold,
In its embrace, find stories untold.

So, let the whispers of nature be your guide,
In its serene whispers, truths reside.
With patience and calm, learn its tale,
The melody of life, in whispers we prevail.
© Saheba Parveen Parkash