

Cherishing timeless grace
Imbibed deep in silence....
With solitary indulgence
Recalling captivating moments....
Awaitings in curiousness
Beyond scared thrusting ascent
Sporting springs of celestial aura....
Mesmerizing transformations
In caress of exponentially elevated grace
Vibrating oscillating....
Nerves craving for your magical ways
Stressed beyond....
Daggers of blinking desire...await,
Combating ceaselessly
Uncertainty...in intense ignorance
Terrible shadows of haunting nostalgia...
Yet, rekindled sparkling eyes
In serpentine tickle....
Recall-instances of our scintillating affair
Every reconciliations signify
Discretions in valour encounter....
A romantic philosopher's quest
Sprinkled in compassionate tear.....
Your caress in silent exponential grace
Is ambrosia...."A Solace in Abundance".
© SanghamitraDevi