

A Truth Not Exclusive to Quora
There is no wanting,
there is no trying,
only the doing-
to change everything.

You realise that your dirty thoughts
become darker than your doom,
should they manifest into malice.
I congratulate you,
because you know
you were never destined
to dream of darkness as light.

The past? Already over.
Who said that your bad name will forever remain the same?
Everything? Accept, remember.
Who said that you born an Einstein?
The future? Bloom again, flower.
Do not stop yourself to stop thinking of good,
for a Dante is in the making.

No man is an island,
even if you isolated yourself
for supporting pornography's propaganda.
Hear the silent protests!
Heed your loudest truth!

Credits: This poem was inspired by these paragraphs of wisdom posted by Quora user Ranjani Ravi nine years ago(2015), on the subject of "How do I stop being a pervert?".

Link: As I cannot post any urls here, type "How do I stop being a Pervert?" in Quora or Google. The first comment of the Quora discussion was by Ranjani Ravi, the kind person who gave this advice.