

If Tears were Wishes
If tears were wishes;
I'd cry a genie out of a lamp
All my desires and dreams...
Wants and Needs met without a moment's greed
Mountains would turn walkway
And only what my belly lusts; I feed
I would ask and ask to know and bask
Unlock knowledge ample and vast; life secrets unmask
and leave me with unparalleled wanting

If tears were wishes;
Then my soul would be untouched
Numb from the absence of experience's curse
An uncharted; a tabula rasa
Not for you... not for them
Not for anyone... not for fear
and leave me cold as the stale air

If tears were wishes;
and eyes mirror to the soul
And you make me cry, this spilling my soul
And you do it again, and again, oblivious to the things I dare not speak
To the things that makes me weak
Don't hold it against me when I wish you away for good

© Grey Wrld