

For My Grandmother Sita's 75th Birthday
You are now 75,
Hope you will last longer to our lives.
Seeing you do the chores,
Makes me realize,
That you have loved us more to than we can demystify.
You are now old,
but you act bold,
without fear of when your life will end.
I wish God made you feel loved,
He made you feel protected,
And he made you prepared to face death.
Because we don't know when our lives will end.
I wish we and God made your life happy.
I wish we never made you feel gloomy.
Now that youre 75,
May your life be filled with joy,
and no regrets are formed inside you.
And this is my wish for you.
I wish God will hear your heart,
and lead you towards heaven.
I wish that you can be a hero of your own life,
saving you through Gods loving, forgiving power.
Knowing He as your Savior.
© Ruakh