

Whispers of friendship
Dear Moonlover, Spark, Seraffin, Skyqueen, and Nutellaaa,

You are the five stars that brighten my life, each of you precious in your own way.

your sweetness and understanding are like a gentle light guiding me through the night.you’re the moon that never wanes, always there to brighten our nights. Your care never goes unnoticed, and for that
I am blessed

my dearest little sister, the fun we share is a treasure. Your laughter is a melody that brightens my days. you are a joy illuminating our shared universe.

you're the playful cat with your cheerful meows, and the hopeful butterfly that flutters through my thoughts. Your presence is a source of comfort and joy.

though shrouded in mystery, your friendship is a steadfast ship that sails with me through every storm. Your support is my anchor, and I'm grateful for you.

you're the enigma that captivates my curiosity. Sensitive and kind, you're a testament to the beauty of complexity. You’re the sweet surprise in our friendship, like a hidden hazelnut in a chocolate bar.

Together, you form a constellation that lights up my universe. I am blessed to have you by my side. We might not know what the future holds, but my biggest hope is to always see you happy.

Words might not always be enough, but I hope we can keep our connection alive. I really want to keep up with how you're doing, share in your happy moments, and be there during the tough times. Let's make sure to stay in touch, because hearing from you is like music to my ears.

© @Neongenesis