

combat the devil in Jesus name
How did I not see it
all this time I felt so defeated
It was part of his plan meant for deceit
We come strong in the name of Jesus and dismantle, rebuke , declare and decree it's failure all satins attempts at us being mistreated we come against with the name
of Jesus
All principalities, wickedness, strife, envy , lust , greed , sloth , iniquities, idolatry, depression, demonic spirits , condilini spirits, spirits of whordoms , poverty we silence defen and mute in the mighty name of Jesus
and cast into the abyss
we are now armed with all Gods armor the breast plate of rightiousness , the helmet of salvation, belt of truth , shoes of preparation , Shield of faith, sword of the spirit which is the word of GOD connecting all with the lynch pin in the name of Jesus
now we are ready to fight the good fight of faith all unseen forces we combat every fiery dart in the name of Jesus amen
© Jessie Randolph