

Why would I choose you over me?
When I was the only one there for me on my worst days?
When every time I wanted to scream out,
It was the echo and void the only ones willing to listen to me?
And when I cried myself to sleep all those restless nights,
It was my pillow that holded me tight,
Letting both me
And my tireless thoughts
Rest calmly on it.
It was the moon and the bright stars shining with pride
The ones that witnessed those thick drops running down my cheeks,
Protecting and watching over me as if I was the most precious gemstone to ever exist.
It was the books the ones that brought calmness and comfort into my life,
Plastering a smile on my face everytime I read their stories,
Definitely not something anyone in my surroundings could easily carry out.

So if I have to choose someone,
I'll choose myself at all times
And do what l feel it's best.

© bleeding_on_paper