

Oh dear times, when the colors weren't faded
How much I miss the moments when I arrived home in the afternoon
And there were treats on the table made by your aged hands

“Thank you granny”, I said, with the eyes of someone who's loved
I layed in the pieces of love you served me
And filled my heart with every crumb

Today, everything is different
I look in the mirror with the same eyes you used to dry the tears of

They became calculators,
One, two, three…
It's hard not to see me turning the package around,
When the interesting is supposed to be on the inside

When I climb the step I fear most,
The core of my body almost jumps out
I'm terrified of numbers, which have haunted me my entire life
And the soul? I wonder. It's the soul they say that matters,
But in the soul there are no numbers

I see the clothes that one day covered me,
The numbers of each getting smaller and smaller
But for me it will never be enough

“Sorry grandma, but I already ate” I say now,
Even when my stomach screams and begs,
I don't want to add any more numbers
Because “a second on the lips, forever on the hips” they said, as the layer of fat covering my muscles sheds
© cal