

What am I afraid of, you ask?
I am afraid to be alone.
He has been an important piece of this family, my heart, and our home.

I find myself searching for mindless things to do.
I find myself distracted because you were addicted to mistruth.
And to whom it was that you were supposed to be.
You didn't value my love, nor did you value me.

And I desperately waited for our love to bloom.
I placed my heart upon a shelf you couldn't even find the room.
I patiently waited for you to finally recognize my worth.
I waited impatiently while I unknowingly absorbed the hurt.

But one day I finally found myself awake.
I couldn't pretend to be asleep I couldn't pretend or even fake the feelings of a love that once mended my soul.

You, my darling, left me standing by myself without love and sanity mistold.
© Tandi Thomas