

Magnolia Town

These magnolia streets I'm forced to roam, shop doorways and arches I call my home.

Buildings crafted from victorian might will be my shelter on this cold and lonely night.

I pull my collor close and my jacket tight to protect me from the rain that soaks  and cold winds that bite.

Passers by giving me a sideways look, like I'm a drug addict or a low life crook.

Should I be made to beg to stay alive? while the capitalists grow fat and greedy thrive.

So what does the future hold in store for me homelessness, poverty and misery ?

This system we  have chosen to embrace will only perpetuate greed, want  and poverty of the human race.

Instead Ask yourself how we can help each other whether father, mother, sister or brother.

So next time you see me sitting on the street, don't just throw a coin in my hat and look down at your feet.

The only change that I really need is an end to capitalism, corruption and greed.

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