

Shattered Echoes
At that very moment, my heart splintered like glass, each shard stained with memories— you, laughing—me, standing still, a statue in our shared love, now a relic of what was. I watched you smile, soft laughter, a halo around someone else's heart. Did you see my ghost sparkle in their eyes? Or was I just a fading whisper? A discarded love note crumpled in the bin— did our moments mean nothing to you? I'm left with echoes of our laughter, clutching questions that slice like knives: Were we just empty words strung together? Did our sunsets dissolve into smoke and shadows? An illusion crafted from longing, now shattered, the haunting cry of what might have been lingers. With every flash of your joy, I unravel... As you sprint into another tomorrow, I fade behind—a vanishing act performed too late. Maybe someday in a different universe, we find our way back—two lost souls collide. But here and now? I'm just a specter of disappointment, left to chase the dust of what once lived.

© matthewwwebster