

Two Sides of the Same Coin
Patchwork for wounds that cut deep within
Infection threatens unless properly treated
It’s a time of death until a cure is found
I can’t promise this won’t hurt
I can’t promise this will heal right away
Losing sanity
Depravity on the other side of the door
Bar the door and keep away from source
This is withdrawal in a concept
It tortures, I know
It can drive a person insane
Addiction, self-inflicted
Strength is found on your knees
Strength is found with your face on the ground
Drink from the eternal well
And rest in ever present arms
Simply grace can wash away
The darkest stains
You’ll see the divide between trivial and what truly matters
When left without a medication
To the pain of the wounds inflicted
The pursuit of a life lost
No fruit of Life
Only rot will show
When left alone to your own devices
This is the choice between withdrawal and relapse
One will leave you numb to the damage it causes, searing the conscious
The other will feel like hell for a time
But it takes steps to break the codependency upon the substance of choice
Endure and adapt to the attacks of the enemy
But ultimately, it’s your choice
Relapse breeds death
Withdrawal breeds endurance
But there’s more than this dichotomy
So what do you seek
You’re not called to walk alone
Through these violent storms
Grace is found
In the arms of a Savior
The choices you make sow and reap
Consequences that drag you further away or bring you close
To the cross, count all as loss
In light of the cross
Grace for the lost boy
A gentle guiding hand
Patchwork for wounds
Infection threatens
Soon, you’ll die
Unless you choose Life
Relapse versus withdrawal
Both are hell on yourself
But hope's flame still remains
© MattDyver