

What Kind of Love Is This?
What kind of love is this,
When you say you love me but can't choose me?
A love caught in the shadows of indecision,
A whisper lost to the wind's caprice,
A dance without rhythm, a song unsung.

What kind of love is this,
When you love me but I am not worth fighting for?
A flame that flickers in the breeze,
A knight who surrenders before the battle,
A dream that dissolves with the dawn.

What kind of love is this,
That you love me but can avoid me?
A phantom touch, a ghost's embrace,
A presence felt but never seen,
A promise that's hollow, a vow unkept.

What kind of love is this,
That you love me but can't see it?
An eclipse that hides the sun,
A star lost in the endless sky,
A mirror that shows no reflection.

What kind of love is this,
The love you speak of but I can't understand?
A language foreign, a script unread,
A riddle wrapped in silence,
A mystery that eludes my grasp.

What kind of love is this,
That binds my heart in chains of hope,
Yet leaves me stranded on the shore,
Watching ships of chance sail by?

What kind of love is this,
That fills the air with echoes of your voice,
Yet leaves me in a silence so profound,
That even my own heartbeat seems a stranger?

What kind of love is this,
A flower that blooms in secret gardens,
A lighthouse hidden in the fog,
A treasure buried deep in sand,
A story told in fleeting glances?

What kind of love is this,
That claims the moon yet fears the night,
That seeks the stars but shuns their light,
That longs for touch yet flees the heat,
That speaks of truth but cannot meet?

What kind of love is this,
A love that leaves me questioning,
A love that leaves me yearning,
A love that leaves me wondering,
What kind of love is this?
© _areesha