

Forever ! to ever ?

It feels so empty
Overflowing memories
the void
Betrayal, closest buddy
I keep finding you in everything
I keep meaningless stuffs
It was & still is for me
How stupid of me to think
You'll come back...will you ?
That it won't be we any longer
But be I & u like before
I keep wondering if I ever saw the real you
Was it all a mask?
Was it all meaningless emotions ?
Was it?
Did you ever love me ?
I keep forgetting that you hate me.
I didn't cheat
I love you
I've always loved you
Now even if you come back
I don't think it's gonna be the same
The wound you left behind
It hurts so much
Still my soul, it keeps craving you
Was it all a facade
Please...please just
tell me
Was it even love ?

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