

the seashore
The seashore

Oh sacrificer, ! The unconditional lover
How can you love your sea this much?
When you know that the sea
Wont stay with you forever
Sea comes and touches you , for seconds
Still you hail at the sea with full love.
You know the sea will touch you and run, then too ?!

Even when you are on the same floor,
Why are you both aparted?
When he comes and touches you for a while,
Dont you feel to hug him tightly?
Dont you feel to make him stay?
Why dont you hold him closer ,
Why do you let him slip away
This era is gonna learn from you , !!
Once I asked you , why your letting him go

And with your calming silence, you said
You love him so you let him go,
Oh my sacrificer,
Next time when you meet your see,
Collide with him
Confess your love
Tell him about me
Tell him about you

Just let him come and go 💓