

working on myself, for myself, by myself
Mid despair, I find my peace,
Working on myself in this desolate palace.
For myself, by myself, in this melancholic haze,
I wander through the shadows, lost in a maze.

With each step I take, the weight upon my chest,
A burden of sorrow, a feeling repressed.
But I press on in this journey full of grim,
Seeking redemption even though the light may be dim.

In solitude's embrace, I face my fears,
Confronting the demons that have plagued me for years.
With every tear shed, a cathartic release,
As I unravel the layers, finding my inner peace.

No hand to hold,
no guiding voice to hear,
Yet I find strength within,
in this solitude so clear.
For the path I tread is mine
and mine alone,
A pilgrimage of self-discovery,
All to call my own.

In the silence I learn to love myself anew,
To embrace the scars,
both old and new.
Because in this darkness, I find a sparks of light,
A glimmer of hope,
Guiding me through the night.

So, I work on myself, for myself, by myself,
In this melancholic way,
Im destined to defeat this hidden pain.
Because in the depths of all this pain I find my way,
To rise above the sorrow, and greet a brighter day.