

In the land of Bharat, on this sacred day,
We gather to celebrate the month of May,
A day of freedom, a day of might,
When we rose against the British, fierce in our fight.

With hearts ablaze, we set out to claim,
Our independence, we would not be tamed,
Against tyranny, we strove to be free,
To make our beloved nation mighty as can be.

Oh, British oppressors, your reign was unjust,
Exploiting our land, in greed and in lust,
But our voices grew louder, our spirits stood tall,
For we knew in our hearts, victory would befall.

With passion and zeal, we broke the chains,
Through non-violence and love, we erased the stains,
Gandhi, Nehru, and countless others beside,
Led us to victory, with courage as their guide.

On this 15th of August, we stand hand in hand,
Remembering the struggle, the sacrifice, and the stand,
We honor those heroes, who fought with all might,
For the freedom we cherish, under the Indian flag's light.

And as our spirits soar high, patriotism ablaze,
We dream of a future filled with hope's gentle rays,
For the Koh-i-Noor, a symbol of our struggle,
We yearn for its return, to mend what was once a juggle.

Let it come back to our cherished land,
A radiant jewel, held in our hand,
A testament to our strength and resilience,
A bond forged, forever in brilliance.

So, as we celebrate this Independence Day,
Let us remember the path we paved our way,
And may our patriotism forever grow,
A united India, a nation to forever glow.