

The Prayer : by R.M. Ragnanese
Soft upon a breeze
I looked for you my Lord.

Hoping that you would come to me.

I cried out to you.

In earnest upon my knees I said my prayers.

Please my Lord hear what my Soul is saying to thee.

I am in anguish for my distress has overtaken me.

My tears continue to fill my vessel that once was so joyful singing the Praises of your name.
They are drowning my hope in you.

Will you not extend your hand to me?

For I am in need of your salvation.

Do not hesitate.

Deliver me from the woes that so consumes me.

Day after day I proudly wave your banner of righteousness for all to see.

Yet I am ridiculed mock and humiliated for standing up for you.

They laugh at me saying "Why do you stand alone?
If he is so good to you?
Why does he not rescue you from us?
Does he not see or hear the torment and pain that we give to you?
If he does not see or hear?
Does he truly care for you?"

Do you not see from heaven's gate it is not me they are mocking and insulting !

It is you who holds the universe in the palm of your hand that they laugh at you and call you weak.

Does not your integrity for the sake of who you are say "you must rescue me from the hand of such evil men?"

I know my ways are not always the way you have chosen me to go.

Does that mean you will not hear my cry and rescue me?

Say it loudly for all to hear that such things are not to be.

Let my doubts be crushed by faith from you.

As you rescue me and our enemies stumble at your feet.
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