

California Spring
It is officially Summer today.
I thought it would never come.
Many days while waiting and wishing,
My countenance appeared quite glum.
I dreamed of long days in the sun.
I thought of less time in the dark.
When I compared winter days to my fantasy,
Naturally, the difference was stark.
I counted as the days grew longer,
Praying for time to speed up.
Impatient with the cold and the gloom,
I often felt down in the dumps.
But as February turned into March,
And I saw the light start to outpace the dark,
I was so thrilled at the coming of Spring,
That waiting became a walk in the park.
I rejoiced as the days became longer,
I loved that Summer was but months away.
I breezed through March easily,
I danced as April became May.
As the temperature began to crawl upward,
I brought out my tank tops and shorts.
But as the days passed, and the mercury rose,
I remembered something of import.
As I was exhorting my love of summer,
And I began to celebrate and sing,
I forgot how much I hate sweating.
I guess my true love is California Spring.

© Linda Troxell