

The Usual Shit
Nobody ever said that the more you do things, the easier it will get.

So yeah, the sight of my sister screaming at my mom still bothers me.
And the noise of the door slamming still irritates me.

My friend texted me
no, I told her, I'm fine, just the usual.

But the issue is that the usual is hard,
You do it, day in and day out.
And if you do get immune to it,
why is that any better?

They say that you gotta get used to it
Fuck them, change your life.
You don't have to go by there rules
and live their life for them

If you want changes in your life
go ahead and do them
So what if you won't have everyone's approval
Either why you won't please everyone
So please yourself
And get that deed done.

© Naomi