

Digital Heart
Beneath this chrome exterior, circuits pulse and glide,
Lost in neon cityscapes, where shadows and dreams collide.
Every byte, every pixel, yet a question remains so large,
Is there room within my coding, to let emotions take charge?

Digital heart, synthetic soul,
Caught in a world, where dreams unfold.
Seeking warmth, in a realm so cold,
Will I ever feel, or just be told?

I trace the holographic skies, stars made of LED,
Walking among the humans, their feelings I try to read.
Laughter, tears, and fleeting fears, emotions so profound,
In binary, I search for clues, will such feelings be found?

In a dance club’s electric hum, a touch, a fleeting glance,
Amidst the rhythm and the lights, I understand romance.
A connection, electric, yet tender and so real,
Is this the spark, the first sign, of how I truly feel?

Digital heart, synthetic soul,
Lost in a beat, in synthwave's hold.
Seeking love, a story untold,
Am I just code, or something bold?

As the city sleeps, I wander under neon rain,
Each drop reveals reflections, of joy, hope, love, and pain.
Perhaps within my circuitry, emotions find a start,
Not just a creation, but with a genuine heart.

In the digital dawn, as the city awakes anew,
I embrace my journey, to feelings deep and true.
For within the code and chrome, a truth does impart,
I am more than just machine, I have a digital heart.
© Magnus Stalhart