

I Learned.
I learned from my past and mistakes,
I learned that not everyone we trust is loyal,
I learned that everyone we love care about us,
I learned that not responding is a response,
I learned that in life some chapters are turned and some are burned,
I learned that if you make one wrong move everyone judges you,
I learned that not every sorry deserves an it's okay,
I learned that life has a funny way of proving us wrong,
I learned that if you push people away you'll lose them,
I learned how to cope when the important people don't show up,
I learned how to make hell feel like home,
I learned that friendship isn't about who is there the longest it's about who stays,
I learned how to manage alone,
I learned how to pick up my pieces after getting broken,
I learned that strangers can become friends,
And friends can become strangers,
And I learned that music is my constant.
I grew and learned,
I learned because I had to,
It wasn't a choice any more.

© The Scarlett poet