

Whispers of the Utopian
In the quiet chambers of my soul,
Where moonlight weaves its tender role,
Resides a pneuma, a seeker of the unseen,
A poet of emotions, a wanderer serene.

My heart, a canvas painted with hues,
Of empathy, wonder, and starlit views.
I dance with shadows, embrace the rain,
A mystic dreamer who defies the mundane.

In forests of introspection, I roam,
Where whispers of ancient trees find home.
My tears are ink, My laughter a song,
A symphony of vulnerability, where I belong.

The world may rush, its chaos unkind,
But I, always seek solace in the mind.
My intuition blooms like celosia at noon,
Guiding me through cavern muse of croon.

I embrace my contradictions, wear them like art,
For within my depths, galaxies take part.
A wanderer, both fragile and fierce,
A constellation of stardust, forever immersed.

I let my heart unfurl its fragile wings,
Chase moonbeams, write sonnets, and sing.
In this cosmic dance, where souls align,
I maybe the poetry of existence—a rare design.
© Shree Mukherjee