

The Vallies & The Sky
Between the iron tracks and the vast open sky,
Two modes of travel, distinct yet high,
A train journey and a flight's swift glide,
Offering unique experiences with pride.

The train, a symbol of strength and perseverance,
Roaring through valleys, hugging mountains with reverence,
Passing bustling cities and tranquil countryside,
Offering a glimpse into diverse landscapes, far and wide.

From the crowded platforms, emotions entwined,
As loved ones bid farewell, tears left behind,
Of hugs and kisses, whispers filled with longing,
A symphony of hearts, both joyful and yearning.

The locomotive's rhythmic hum, a lullaby,
As the train chugs forward, my thoughts wander high,
The windows like a canvas, unfolding before my gaze,
Nature's masterpieces, painted in vivid rays.

Fields of golden wheat dance in the breeze,
Rolling hills, adorned with nature's appease,
Rivers that serpentine through lush green plains,
Whispering secrets, as the train relentlessly gains.

In cabins cozy, conversations bloom,
Strangers become friends in this communal room,
Sharing stories, laughter, and fragments of life,
Creating connections amidst this ongoing strife.

In this journey, time seems to slow,
Allowing reflection and introspection to grow,
A respite from the race of daily life,
Rediscovering the wonders that make us alive.

Yet, in the skies, another realm awaits,
Where flights soar above celestial gates,
A realm of speed and weightlessness in the air,
Taking us to destinations beyond compare.

An airport's hustle, a symphony in motion,
As travelers glide with purpose and devotion,
Checked bags, ticket scans, last-minute chores,
Immortalizing goodbyes, lingering a bit more.

The aircraft, an iron bird, poised to ascend,
Breaking free from Earth's hold, a journey to transcend,
A roar, and then a gentle ascent, into the clouds,
Where dreams take flight, among angelic shrouds.

Above, the world becomes a miniature view,
Landscapes adorned with hues and tones anew,
Clouds morph into cotton candy art,
As gravity surrenders, freeing the heart.

The cabin's embrace, elegant and poised,
With comfort and luxury, travelers rejoice,
A symphony of engines and gentle flight attendants' care,
Navigating the sky with tender flair.

The flight, a leap into the unknown,
A temporary escape from all we've known,
A bridge between cultures and distant lands,
Uniting hearts together, even across vast sands.

Though different they may be in means and style,
A train journey and flight both make hearts smile,
For they offer experiences, unique and dear,
Connecting us all, in this wondrous sphere.

So next time you embark on a journey of your choice,
Embrace the train's humble rhythm or the plane's majestic voice,
For in each mode of travel, a story is told,
Embracing life's wonders, a journey's pure gold.

#poemsbydeep #deep_widin #deepz_talk

© deep_widin