

Dead waste is past
The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way
The windows of today is open
Make best use of it, fill shine in you
The shine in you can shine a few more soul
Waste is another name for the past
Do you want waste or the taste of the joyful present state?
Keep your focus right on this exact moment and live
Life is not to get blogged down in the past memories, good or bad
Instead create as many beautiful moments in the present
What else could be the best enjoyable present than the present?
Past is like a blood hound, always ready to pounce on you
Don't be carried away by the compulsive habit of brooding over the past
Spend the time of the present for doing something unique you would like to indulge in
With all said and done, past is a clever, cunning fox
Don't yield to it's enticing signals of past glory and pleasant aroma
When you think of the good in the past, you are not productive now
When you think of the bad past, you are neither pleasant or present
Anything gone by, be done with it, it's over, today, now is damn new
Introspect, inquire, meditate whatever you could do, but
See that you live only in the present at any given point in time!
In the process, you would be accumulating more and more happy memories
So that, even if you happen to unwind the past occasionally, you would find more of joy only!

© Joyram