

Sheep like sheeple
Woof woof
What is it we have become
Nodding dogs
In electric cars
Sucking your own cock
Not watching the road
But directionless
Drowning in unicorn tears
And lost to safe spaces
Where’s your decorum
An empathic delusionist
Holding hands with Beelzebub
Transgressions a way of life
Believing what you’re told
Your idea of radical
Individual groupthink
With no ideas of you’re own
The flagrant lies
Denying the truth
Turning a blind eye
Your tribe don’t misdirect
Stupidity intravenously
Drip drip
Grammatically incorrect
You’re a them
Plurality the new laughable
Funny as fuck
Please look in the mirror
What do you see
Reverse the polarity
Is that not you
Or a singularity
AI taking your job
Too ignorant to understand
Too dumb to wish to check it out
Green your favourite colour
When you should be seeing red
Manipulation chlorinated
And cloud seeded
Penial gland deactivation
Chakras out of sync
A vortex in the mind
Oneness realigned
Shouldn’t we be questioning the math
Establishment doctrine everywhere
Just follow the money
Howard Vs Tyson
Why the fuck not
Disillusionment discredited
Has history taught us nothing
Lessons deliberate deleted
Winner rights

© the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
Image courtesy of: @Pinterest

© All Rights Reserved