

It's your Birthday!
It's just an hour to your 27th
Plus a few more minutes!
You are so grown-up now
That i feel quite redundant,
Dependent myself on you.

At the drop of a hat, i can
Picture that happiest '97 day
And its wonderful returns
Over nearing three decades.
But today is today, so now.

Big girl, my dearest doctor
Daughter, whom humans,
Dogs and cats love in equal,
Occasionally a bit unequal
Measure. A personality, you,

Never to be taken for granted!
Steady of vision, keen to do
The right thing, the best that
You can do. Hoping the same
From those around, who rise

To the hope, but fall too once
Or more in a while, causing
Distress, pain, and confusion!
The world is various in hues
And types, best to let sighs

Give rise to lessons for living,
Plans for joyful work, the best
Of friends, the truest partner,
Good health, good spirits, much
Love, fly these my wishes to you

With a few minutes to spare!
Enjoy your special, special Day,
May it bring joy and thoughtful
Reflection both, Celebration!
& Many, Many Happy Returns!

© Sanjib Basu