

Rise Up, Shine On.
Rise Up, Shine On

In the darkest moments, a spark remains
A light that flickers, a fire that sustains
The embers of hope, a flame that will grow
Guiding you forward, as your spirit glows

Don't let fear whisper, "You're not enough"
For within you lies, a strength yet unexplored
A resilience born, of trials and strife
A courage that rises, to shape your life

In every setback, a chance to begin anew
A new path unfolds, a story to rewrite anew
So rise up, dear heart, and shine your light
Illuminating the world, with all your might

Your dreams are waiting, your future is bright
Unfold your wings, and take to the light
For in the darkness, a star is born
And that star is you, rising to transform.