

God is Calling.
Let me let us all do what we need to do to be closer to God.
Let me speak of happy endings of us living in peace and uncertainties.
Let's focus on the after life not in the now because nothing here means of any worth besides your soul.
Follow the spirit within that's were it all begins.
We are all healthy and strong , we humans have no worries besides the people we look up to the ones behind the television.
If you cut the tv off you wouldn't have no worries at all.
God is waiting for you to reach out.
God is waiting for your call , let him know you're ready by giving your all.
This place we live on is all the creators besides man made things.
Virus are not necessarily real but some how the tv gets us in believing it is.
Illness are man made problems.
We are living a play and we are the
audience that are watching and claping.
Everyone that we know and love around us are happy and healthy .
Why only on tv people are sick and dieing.
The sooner us people understand the sooner we can come together.
In live in happiness.

© Daliah Delaney